Chips, as tiny silicon wafers containing integrated circuits, are the core components of computers and various electronic devices. A chipset, on the other hand, is a combination of multiple interconnected chips that work together to achieve more complex functions, such as the central processing unit...
Read MoreAs the foundational support of the electronic information industry, the electronic components sector is ushering in a new wave of development opportunities. Data indicates that the market size of electronic components in China is expected to reach $15 billion by 2020, driven by the rapid growth of i...
Read MoreCommunication technology is primarily divided into two major categories: wired communication and wireless communication. These two technologies transmit information data through different mediums. Wired communication relies on physical substances such as copper wires or optical fibers to tran...
Read MoreWith the advent of the 5G era, the focus of communication networks is shifting from traditional human-to-human connections to a new epoch of Internet of Everything. This transformation not only deepens interpersonal communication but also establishes a novel bond for human-machine interaction. It is...
Read MoreIn May 2015, at the highly anticipated 5th China Security Enterprise Brand Awareness Selection Event, Shenzhen Benchu Group Technology Co., Ltd. was honored with the title of "Top 10 Enterprises in Video Transmission" due to its technical prowess and market influence in the field of video transmissi...
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